Me and my friends went to the biggest hackathon in Toronto! The hackathon was at Shopify headquarters, and they went all out with the snacks, activities, and prizes! The whole experiance was a blast (more like a party really) and our whole team had a lot of fun!
As for our project, we created a zombie attack drone, who could:
- Spray water (replace with acid) on the zombies
- Launch a ballista bolt
To create our project, we used:
- Python
- Rasberry Pi
- Arduino
Things I learned from this Hackathon:
- Make Schedules! Time mangement is super important, otherwise your sleep schedule iss screwed big time ( we had to pull two all-nights to debug our code ;-; )
- Don't bite off more than you can chew! We challenged ourselves with so many things that the final product's design looked ass (literally just two plates holding all the hardware in)
- Have Fun! There were so many fun activities but we didn't go to any of them *cries*
Huge shout-out to the entire Apocalypse Hacks team, especially Greg who goes to my school!