Me and my buddies (Kahan, Eddie, and Richard from White oaks SS) went to an StarerHacks, an hackathon @ the University of Waterloo! (Math 3 building) We had a lot of fun, the food was great (especially the buddle tea) and the entire experaince was both rewarding and fun!

For our project, we created our very own drag & drop no code IDE/coding language of building nerual networks, sort of like Scratch but for AI:

To create our project, we used:

  • Python / Flask (our entire backend)
  • Blocky (for the blocks)
  • Tensorflow (for the convolutional neural network layers)
  • HTML + CSS + JS (Front end web application)
  • Spline (for the 3d animations)
A memorable moment from StarerHacks

Things I learned from this Hackathon:

  • Spread out the experiance amoung the teams. We sort of left the front team staggered with noobies, so the website got dragged dow
  • Funny + Technical projects snatch the grand prize! One trend we notice amoung the winners were that all of them were based off of a funny premise
  • Network with other Hackers! The entire hackathon was bustling with Waterloo uni students, a goldmine of a networking opportunity if I ever saw one

Huge shout-out to the entire Starter Hacks team, who've earned my eternal respect for managing to give up doubles (of food) every. single. time.